Welcome to my very first and hopefully last journal post which has nothing to do with furniture, home decor, or diy projects! I just wanted to give a brief explanation for my motive behind finally setting up a website for my business.
As I have been educating myself on growing a small business these past couple of years, I have heard over and over that to grow any kind of business, a website is a definite must have! Along with the website, that business has to be posting to social media on a consistent basis as well!
Therefore, this website of mine will become my new "home base" and my social media postings will be my "tools" to direct readers to my website when there is new content to view and read. Please understand that this website is only in its' early stages, but with dedication my goal is for it to become an informative resource for ALL who want to find a little inspiration for their home as well for all those DIYer's out there like me who want to learn all about products, tools, and tips in the furniture refinishing industry to help them with their future projects!
I will be the first to admit that posting on social media consistently has been a struggle for me, but I am making this one of my goals in year 3 to be more present and visible on my favorite social media platforms (Pinterest, Facebook, & Instagram). Let's just imagine for a moment that there comes a day when there is no more social media platforms for me to share inspiration or diy projects. How then would small businesses like mine, who do not have the extra funds to advertise, communicate with all of you? The most economical and sensible answer is through Email Newsletters and this Website!!
With that being said, I know that we all get so many emails these days...I get it! But please give me a chance to show you that I will not be flooding your inbox! My plan is to do one newsletter/month...That's it! So please Sign Up Here Today & Thank you for reading! Patty